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Now you can start to speak Portuguese ‐ with a near-native accent ‐ in just 30 days.
Portuguese is the mother tongue of about 230 million people, mainly in Portugal and the Portuguese islands in the Atlantic, Brazil, and Portugal's former overseas provinces in Africa and Asia. Pimsleur's Brazilian Portuguese teaches the São Paulo metropolitan dialect.
This program includes the complete Brazilian Portuguese language program ‐ 150 spoken language lessons and 5 levels of reading instruction and practice. With this program you start from zero, first learning survival phrases and vocabulary, and eventually progressing to a high-intermediate level of speaking and understanding Brazilian Portuguese. Every lesson contains an introductory conversation and isolated vocabulary and structures, as well as full practice of all vocabulary introduced. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension to promote proficiency in spoken Brazilian Portuguese. At the completion of this program, you'll be speaking and understanding Brazilian Portuguese with near-fluency and with impressive conversational skills.
Reading Lessons are included with each level. These lessons are designed to give you practice sounding out Brazilian Portuguese and then to help you progress to reading for meaning. They also provide extensive additional vocabulary. You'll be reading Brazilian Portuguese with the ease and flexibility of a native speaker.
Learning the sound of each letter alone and in culturally distinct combinations allows your brain to process what you're hearing in the audio lessons from a new and different perspective. Its a powerful combination that makes Pimsleur different from every other method on the market.
Speak with Portuguese (Brazilian) Confidence. Read like a Native.
Through Portuguese (Brazilian) his research, Dr. Pimsleur found that traditional teaching methods like memorizing vocabulary, conjugating verbs, and practicing grammar actually SLOW DOWN your ability to learn. He called them the kiss of total silence because they made it nearly impossible to speak. It's the reason learning a language feels so difficult, when it should feel totally natural.
It makes sense when you think about it. Have you ever seen a toddler memorizing vocabulary lists? Or picking out parts of speech in a sentence diagram? Of course not. Children learn language the way we were meant to ‐ by listening. That's because we are hardwired to remember sounds and store them in our memory automatically.
It's the same way you pick up a song on the radio. You don't have to study the lyrics or understand musical notes and chords to remember a song. Chances are, if you hear a song once you can sing along the next time you hear it.
Don't miss out. Try Pimsleur today while your first week is FREE!